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논술 x 파일 - 기출 논제
2004년 성균관대 수시 1학기 인문계 논제 및 해설
다음 제시문들을 읽고 여론에 의한 합리적 의사결정의 가능성과 한계에 관한 자신의 입장을 논하시오. (각 제시문의 주요 논점이나 시사하는 바를 반영할 것.)
제시문 1
The citizen consents to all the laws, even to those that are passed against his will, and even to those which punish him when he dares to break any one of them. The constant will of all the members of the state is the general will; it is through it that they are citizens and free. When a law is proposed in the people"s assembly, what is asked of them is not precisely whether they approve of the proposition or reject it, but whether it is in conformity with the general will which is theirs; each by giving his vote gives his opinion on this question, and the counting of votes yields a declaration of the general will. When, therefore, the opinion contrary to my own prevails, this proves only that I have made a mistake, and that what I believed to be the general will was not so.
이하 생략
2004년 성균관대 수시 1학기 인문계 논제 및 해설
다음 제시문들을 읽고 여론에 의한 합리적 의사결정의 가능성과 한계에 관한 자신의 입장을 논하시오. (각 제시문의 주요 논점이나 시사하는 바를 반영할 것.)
제시문 1
The citizen consents to all the laws, even to those that are passed against his will, and even to those which punish him when he dares to break any one of them. The constant will of all the members of the state is the general will; it is through it that they are citizens and free. When a law is proposed in the people"s assembly, what is asked of them is not precisely whether they approve of the proposition or reject it, but whether it is in conformity with the general will which is theirs; each by giving his vote gives his opinion on this question, and the counting of votes yields a declaration of the general will. When, therefore, the opinion contrary to my own prevails, this proves only that I have made a mistake, and that what I believed to be the general will was not so.
이하 생략